Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Side Covers

Right side cover is absent - not shown - and left side is cracked into several pieces. Not a big deal to me except that when I'm leaning it against myself I often end up putting a hip into this cover, and it clicks & reminds me that it's broken.

Options for repair or replacement appear to include:
  1. Do nothing. always available! Sounds good for now!
  2. Buy some exceedingly expensive originals. Wait for them to break, too - and in some cases they arrive broken. No, thank you.
  3. Buy some pricey aftermarket refits- $100 on ebay and I'm in bizness (assuming they're not gone before I make up my mind). Finish is not so great... Probably later.
  4. Make my own! Which is why I posted this in the first place. Dr. Crash has some great online tutorials on vacuum forming plastic, very entertaining & inspiring. With some fiberglas on the inside they'd be pretty strong... appearance limited by a combination of the artist's ability and deranged imagination. Sure, why not?
Decisions, decisions. What message, or what symbol would or should one place in a ho-made side cover panel? Too slick and/or clever and you keep them longer, more botchy and the $100 versions from the UK show up sooner. Alternatively, pay attention to the cost of the "cheap" vacuum former and determine that buying a better part makes more sense... sort of like the replacement seat experience, below...

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